Synchronicity is a fabulous thing! We had 2 wonderful things to celebrate! The successful conclusion of our pilot program and The official recognition of our NonProfit Status on the Same Day!
We asked our girls to describe the Heroes they would like to become. What would their Super Powers Be? Who would they help?
People in Need! The Environment! Animals! - Looks like we have inspiration for our next Girls Circle Session- If you know of any organization or individuals that need our GTN Heroes Help, please contact Our girls want to be of service!
Girls Thrive Network
Articles of Incorporation was officially recognized by the State of Washington on June 6, 2019 and We received our 501.3(c) tax exempt June 19th. EIN 84-177059 and are registered as a public charity.
Future Minutes of Board Meetings can be found here on our blog ( #nonprofit #volunteer #charity #communityservice).
If you would like to support our mission, please share our vision with the community, volunteer or contribute financially- YOU CAN BE A HERO TOO!